Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Several have asked about the corn field in front and my little veggie garden and thought I would share in form of a posting.

I have a 12 x 12 kitchen garden plot that is enclosed with boards. It can be weeded by hand. Because of weather and it needs more woods dirt (will be added this fall) it has not done as well as I wanted it to. But it is enough for me and maybe my Jamie when she visits.

Yesterday I picked a few yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers and my first 2 ripe (small) tomatoes and Basil. Have 2 green peppers ready to be picked. Earlier in the year there were green onions and lettuce. Also planted a small row of green beans which did not do good. A row of sunflowers seeds planted outside the square were washed away by heavy rain along with some cantaloupe seeds. Have one lone sunflower that is growing. In a few months I will sow turnip green seeds in this square. I could eat turnip greens daily. I do not like what you buy at a store or if they are large. Can pick a small bowl full and it is enough for a meal or two for One Woman.

Also have a blueberry bush - which the birds beat me to the berries. In the city I had a small row of strawberries and some raspberries. I do not think I will plant them. Want this little kitchen garden to be a pleasure and not become a burden. Oh, I have potatoes growing in my compost pile!!

The corn in front is on my land and a neighbor plants. Rotates between soy beans and corn and sometimes wheat.

My small front porch is great in the early morning and evening. Later in the day and if the sun is shining - too hot to sit on that porch. From about 4:00 in the morning and through most of the day - Callie stays on the screen porch - when she is not roaming the woods in back of the house.

Callie's dog pen is perfect. She does not seem to mind it at all. I picked a perfect spot as it is nice and shady but in the winter the sun will filter through the trees.

I was in the garden at 6:00 this morning - weed and deadheading some plants. Will be in the house most of the day as I got to hot yesterday afternoon. Took trash to dumpster and on the way home I stopped at a several mile long yard sale. I spotted something as I drove down the road and after parking had to walk further then I wanted to. Love my new trellis but I was soaking wet when I arrived home. With the auto-immune disorder that I have I seem to just sweat on my face, neck and chest. I did not have a good night and I must not be out in the afternoon heat like I have been. I drink a lot of water and have added coconut water and some Gatorade.

Enough shared. I really know my grandchildren will love reading about Grandma's time in the country :)


sallysmom said...

Your header is so pretty.

Balisha said...

I'm enjoying it too..Balisha :)

lilalia said...

Love you sharing stories about life in your new home. It all sounds so idyllic in this often very chaotic world.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

sallysmom, Balisha and Lilalia - thanks for visiting.
I am so thankful that I have been allowed to come back home :)

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I love your new header! That is a gorgeous picture. :)

Darlene said...

Nothing can be as fresh or tasty as produce out of your own garden.

I'm happy for you that you can still garden and wish I were still able.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Darlene, my garden is a little square and really not much trouble.
Will be interesting to see how long this in her 70's lady last at all this gardening. Thank you for visiting me.
Jamie, thank you :)

Deborah Carr said...

Your garden sounds delightful...and isn't there great joy in the planting, even when it doesn't quite grow as well as expected. I can relate!

Tabor said...

I have been on travel so not reading my blogmates posts. Isn't it nice to eat fresh? Our eggplant has such a lovely flavor...not like store bought at all. Your photos get better every day!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Deborah, thank you and yes I just love planting.
Tabor, as always your thoughts and comments are meaningful.