Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Monday, February 22, 2010

Checking In

A few busy, happy and sad weeks.

Close friends and acquaintances with crisis. Sickness, hospital, deaths...they all seemed like they touched One Woman's life in the last several weeks. Being home bound for snowy days also seemed to contribute to her feeling "blue".

Then two wonderful warm days, out and about. A trip to the garden center and her truck was loaded with pine trees. She sure must have felt good as she dragged them off of truck and to where they will be planted. Felt good or was suffering from being home bound - she pulled a muscle in her back.
She was able to sit on the deck in the sunshine. How could she not think of Spring. The warmth of the sun was such a wonderful gift. When she opened the door in the early morning she would be greeted by the music of the birds. She was reminded that Spring is around the corner. She copied this quote from somewhere - "This was like a raft of tranquility in a sea of great change".

Because of all that is happening at this time One Woman will be writing a little less often for a short time. I have not forgotten you and do not forget me!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful day - wherever you are.


sally said...

Well, this cyberfriend wishes you strength, peace and a few moments of calm time for yourself as you go thru the events of your life. My the sun shine softly upon your face.........

Balisha said...

Don't be away for too long...we will miss you. Take care, my friend.

Lonely Rivers said...

We worry about you when you go missing for more than a couple of days. Thank you for letting us know. There will be more sunny days.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope your back is doing better by now. It was nice to have a couple days of good weather but it is back to rain and snow here again. Take care, grow stronger, and return when you feel like it. Hugs, Judy

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Sally, thank you for the kind comment. Just the words I need to hear:) Balilsh, Judy and LR - thank you for commenting. Yes, Judy looks like 2 Spring like day's. Balisha, just seems my mind is overloaded - I am not going anywhere. LR - I wish you would post more. I love reading the way you express yourself....... All have a good rest of day.

Darlene said...

I'm sorry about your pulled muscle. I guess you know that 15 minutes with a heating pad followed by 15 minutes with an ice pack is helpful.

Take very good care.

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Oh those signs of spring must be wonderful. To be able to buy trees, walk through a nursery, dream about what flowers to plant. I do hope your garden this year brings you joy (and not too many backaches!) Hugs to you. Believe, breathe and be well. (and rest)

Cloudhands said...

Rest easy dear friend. Many of us find ourselves in a similar place of quiet retreat from time to time.
I'm sorry you over did your tree moving, but I'll use your experience as an object lesson and try to begin my yard work slowly and carefully. Never mind that you probably had the same intention.
Come back rested and renewed.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Darlene, Jan and Barbra - thanks for checking in with me.
Looks like the dreary days of February have returned. Think Spring!!!!!!

MsGraysea said...

Take what time you need to rest and heal and enjoy the coming warmth. So sorry to hear about the bumps in your life right now. As much as we think we can become very malleable to life's challenges, they still jar our tranquility. May the coming Spring bring you back to your peace.
Take care!

Deborah Carr said...

Oh, now I'm just plain jealous. We had several inches of snow this week. I'm still months away from flowers and gardening centres.

Take care of that back...

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Marcia and Deborah, 2 days of warmth and it feels as though winter has returned. At least I had a wonderful preview.

Beverly said...

I could never forget you....take care while we wait for spring and the warm sun....Those few days only made me want it more...

Sky said...

i was so glad to read your post here since you have been missing for a few days! sorry your back is troublesome now, but rest will surely ease the discomfort. if you can find bio-freeze and have someone who can rub it on your back, it will bring relief. i am never without mine. (you can also mail order it.)

i know what you mean about spring. we spent the entire weekend in the gardens, cleaning up debris from winter, pruning, weeding, and enjoying the daffodils swaying in the breeze. we discovered that the heather is now filled with purple blooms and found hyacinth flowers at soil level, round buds open and stems pushing toward the sky. crocus blooms cover the iris beds now, and we are stunned at this early spring we are having. soon the rhododendrons which are considered early bloomers will open their tight buds, already full enough to show color! i hope that we are not surprised by a late frost or cold spell which would ruin all these glorious blossoms!

stay warm, rest, and keep your eyes and thoughts focused on the wonder of nature's springtime gifts - these things will heal you quickly! it won't be long before your woods are alive again! sending you big hugsssss!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Beverly and Sky - have got to get some chores done - but first - thanks for checking in and have a great day.

sally said...

That tree in your post, I think it is a red bud tree. We just planted one last summer-they really are purple, and so lovely to watch. Do you have one?

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Sally - yes it is a Redbud tree.
It is at the city house that I have on the market. I planted one in front of this home in the country. Planted it last Summer and will see if it blooms this Spring. They are lovely!!!
Take care of yourself.